!kick <target> <reason>
Kicks a player from the server (a 30 minutes ban is automatically given).
!ban <target> <time> <reason>
Bans a player from the server.
!slay <target>
Slays a player.
!mute <target>
Mutes a player.
!gag <target>
Gags the player.
!silence <target>
Silences a player.
!slap <target>
Slaps a player.
!burn <target>
Toggles burn on a player.
!beacon <target>
Toggles beacon on a player.
!freeze <target> <time>
Freeze a player.
!blind <target>
Toggles blind on a player.
!drug <target>
Toggles drug on a player.
!gravity <target> <amount>
Changes a player's gravity.
!identify <target>
View the permissions of a player.
!smite <target>
Slays a player with lighting.
!noclip <target>
Toggles noclip on a player.
!resize <target> <size>
Resizes a player.
!move <target> <2, 3, 4>
Moves a player to a team. (2 = SPEC, 3 = BLUE, 4 = RED)
!goto <target>
Teleport to a player.
!bring <target>
Teleports a player to you.
Last updated